The Future or Science Fiction?
What if we had the technology to take our food waste place it into a machine and in just a few weeks the food waste would become fresh beneficial soil?
Here at Browne Atlas we had the same question. We didn’t turn to the latest gadget or the newest app. We instead turned to nature to solve this problem. Red Wiggler composting worms to be exact.

The process is simple. We take our food waste place it into a container full of hungry earthworms and in just a few weeks it is turned into healthy soil that can immediately be placed on your lawn or garden.
So we asked ourselves another question. What would the future be like if every household was able to take their food waste and simply dispose of it in their backyard without polluting it? Then we thought why stop there?
What about restaurants? Imagine a restaurant that takes its food waste, converts it into soil, then plants a garden right there on site. The same food from the garden is then placed back into the restaurant.

Even more- what about our work or school buildings? We could take food waste from the cafeteria and grow a community garden with it.
How about taking it out to sea on cruise ships? Instead of dumping it into the ocean we put it to better use. Or even crazier yet we send it into space! Now, I’m just getting into science fiction...

...or could I possibly be talking about the future?